Self-Confidence is important in everything and anything you do in life. Apply self-confidence not only in the strip club but in your everyday life situations; the results just might flat out amaze you!! Take it from me, I’m not the best looking guy in the world, I don’t look like a body builder body or have wash board abs, I’m not rich, I‘m not famous, and I never went to college. I’m just an ordinary guy that is sure of himself and recognizes that with a little self-confidence and effort I’ve successfully managed to pick up women hotter than I could have ever imagined and FYI, I’VE NEVER PAYED FOR SEX AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU.
Lawyers, paralegals, teachers, law enforcement officers, nurses, office managers, hooters girls, music video models, strippers and amateur porn stars are just a few examples of the girls that I’ve been able to pick-up with just a little self-confidence. Now you’re starting to see how important it is.
How do you expect an attractive woman to notice you or even fuck you if you don’t believe in yourself and that you can do it? Don’t ever overlook a woman you think is out of your league; she’s only out of your league if you believe she is. Forget about if you’ve ever been rejected; forget about any bad or embarrassing years you may have gone through in life or when you were younger. Make a new name for yourself, and build yourself up from the ground up. Easier said than done, right?? Well, I haven’t always had as much self-confidence as I currently have. It took some positive thinking, analyzing and a little bit of effort and to tell you the truth it didn’t take long and it wasn’t really that hard.
Believe it or not, my experience at strip clubs over the years helped me a lot in building it my self confidence. As I mentioned in my first post, I was once that nervous guy that thought that the only way to get a stripper’s attention was with money. Outside of the strip club I was pretty much the same shy, nervous guy. One day I decided that the next time I was at the strip club I would totally reconfigure my way of thinking and acting.
I walked in confident and sat at the bar, with a goal in mind that since nobody knew who I was, there was nothing to be nervous about (TIP: SITTING AT THE BAR MAKES YOU SEEM LESS DESPERATE). I played it cool, kept my composure or at least pretended to keep it no matter how HOT I thought the girls were and ordered a drink. I tipped all the girls that came up to me for a tip and when I was offered a lap dance I told them that I wasn’t really interested in getting a dance “I told them I was just hanging out relaxing” but that I would more than gladly tip them every time they came around (TIP: ALWAYS TIP, DON’T BE A CHEAP ASS).
I sat at the bar the whole night and through the evening a few of the dancers that had asked me if I wanted a dance eventually sat next to me and chatted with me for a while. While chatting with a few of them I asked them why they were hanging out with me even though I didn’t want a lap dance and they told me that they appreciated honesty. I was honest with them compared to most guys that usually give them the run around or are just trying to cop a cheap feel. I spent most of the night just sitting at the bar talking shit and joking around with the strippers. For the first time, I was feeling really good about the way my night was going. I finished my night, sat in the car thought back to my previous strip club experiences and looked in my wallet. To my surprise I wasn’t broke, I had a great time and I met a couple of strippers that hung out with me NOT JUST BECAUSE OF MONEY. That’s when I knew I was on to something…
I reflected on that night and continued to learn more and more as I kept visiting strip clubs that sometimes “more is less” and that patience and self-control pays off in the long run. In a woman’s eyes self-control equals confidence. By not giving in to my natural urges like most guys do at strip clubs, I made it seem like I wasn’t in there for the strippers but rather to just hang out and have some drinks. Key-word “SEEM”.
Whether you’re there for the strippers or not, act like if you’re not. Act unimpressed by the fact that there are beautiful naked women walking around you. Act as calm as possible and actually put some effort into being social with her even though she might be topless in front of you. Believe me guys; a little self-control can go a long way. I continued to visit strip clubs once a week and applied the same concept time after time and it wasn’t long before the dancers would welcome me with open arms every time they saw me and not because of what was in my wallet but because they enjoyed my company. (TIP: A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WANTING TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU A IS A TOTAL CONFIDENCE BOOSTER). Aside from the strippers at the strip club I even started getting attention from the female customers that you usually find at the strip club, even more of a confidence booster. Apparently women love a guy with self-confidence whether she’s a stripper or a lawyer “TRUST ME”. (TIP: SELF-CONFIDENCE IS THE KEY TO PICKING UP WOMEN AT THE STRIP CLUB OR ANY WHERE ELSE.)
In conclusion, I went from being a shy nervous wreck with not much confidence to the cocky SOB I am today. I can currently say that I feel confident enough to walk up to any woman, no matter how attractive she is and be able to engage in conversation without a problem. I’m not going to say I win’ em all but I have a great track record and have picked up women that I would have never imagined I’d be able to pick up. Like I said before, “confidence isn’t everything” but it is one of the main ingredients when it comes to being successful with women. Start off slow and every time you go out ANYWHERE try to exercise appearing confident even if you don’t feel very confident. The grocery store, the gym, a night club, EVERYWHERE. Start doing this ASAP, you are currently wasting valuable time that you should be using to hook up with women.
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